Commercial – Northall Village Hall, Sept 2020
The client had electric wall heaters to the main hall area, and they were aged / failed and so were looking for replacement heaters or alternative heating solutions.
D-MEC proposed a high level Daikin heat pump unit to offer fully controllable heating whilst saving ££ on electricity costs, (when heat pumps are used in heating the system will consume around 25% of the comparable cost of electric heaters offering the same heat output!!)
The new Daikin FAA100 heat pump is controlled from a wired wall controller and limits can be set for temperature, functions and timer control, when the client has internet connection available the system can be remotely controlled off-site by any authorised user.
All pipe work was enclosed within trunking and the external unit position was fitted with a optional protective cage.
D-MEC completed the installation in 1 day and the committee were very pleased with the results. (and the £££ savings!!!)